Photo: SHarafeyev Rinat

Sharafeyev Rinat

Telephone: +77051780808

Network engineer with 10 years of experience. I am always ready to take part in various projects, even if they are not related to my direct responsibilities. I approach my work with great responsibility. I also devote a lot of time to self-education. I love everything new and progressive. I have a great desire to join a strong development team who have a lot to learn from.


Work experience

04/2011 - ongoing: Network engineer at AO “Transtelecom”

My responsibilities include design, installation, maintenance:

And also, administration

I have developed and maintained internal software (PHP + MySQL, Python):

For the internal needs of the branch, I created and administered the Kubernetes cluster on Bare Metal (CentOS), to which most of the services were moved.

I took an active part in the integration of corporate CRM (writing API scripts in PHP, Python, JAVA, SQL) with other systems (NAS / BRAS, SORM, Billing, etc.).


09/2003 - 09/2007 Informatics and computer engineering at Modern University for the Humanities, Moscow

Language skills